Suggested Education Protocol
When a child is exposed to violence or trauma, a law enforcement officer or first responder will fill out a FOCUS Notification through the FOCUS app. This will go straight to the school district and school of attendance.
The school designee will then ensure the FOCUS Notification is provided to the appropriate teacher(s). A process should be developed to alert appropriate school staff of the child's exposure to trauma (such as notifying the teacher(s) via email or by a phone call as soon as possible).
Teachers will observe the child's behavior/academic performance and utilize trauma sensitive interventions as deemed appropriate.
Intervention Examples:
Homework forgiveness
Allowed to rest at nurse's office
Postponing test
Providing tutoring
Monitoring child's nutritional needs

If the child exhibits problems (emotional/behavioral/academic/etc.), the teacher should refer the child to the school counselor.
The school counselor will assess the child's needs to determine if counseling/services are needed and make a recommendation to the parent/guardian.
The counselor or social worker will refer the caregiver/child for follow-up services as deemed appropriate.
The school should attempt to obtain written consent from the parent/guardian for care providers and school staff to communicate about the best interest of the child.
School districts are encouraged to provide trauma sensitive training to all school employees if possible.
Video courtesy of The Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative (TLPI)
For more information on how to create trauma sensitive schools click here